
My Vision

So you appointed an innovation manager, held a hackton, maybe you joined an accelerator - you may even have given innovation a chance to operate for a year or two and you don't see results!
What should you do?
How long should you wait?
What results should we hope for and what will get us there?
You have come to the right place to make
your vision a reality
In the last 20 years I have had two main passions, which have come together many times.
innovation. Energy-Tech. Business.
Innovation has become my profession in the last 7 years. What does innovation mean? people often get confused between the what, the why and the how. Many Innovation practices focus on the how instead of starting with the why and the what. In my opinion, Innovation is basically harnessing the minds of many stake-holders internally and externally to do "things" (be it processes, products or new business models) inside and outside the organization, in a different way. The reason for a "different way" is one - the triple bottom-line (people, planet and profits)
My vision is to make innovation a legitimate profession, which would become as common as biz dev. or HR. A discipline which is well Instilled in the ecosystem the understanding that innovation is not a buzz, or a cool thing, but an additional business tool to strengthen the goals and success of organizations contributing the the triple bottom-line.
I help organizations do it right with proven, fast and sustainable results, I provide accessible and easy to implement tools , training and methodologies to innovation managers, connecting them to communities, sharing knowledge, and more.
Energy is a key factor in the was of climate-change because it is responsible for the bulk of pollutive emissions into the atmosphere. Energy-Tech is one of the practical ways to deal with them.
My vision is to create an understanding of the role of innovation in the development of the Israeli energy economy and its importance in global warming and to take an active part in the change that is taking place, through the creation of future thinking tools, knowledge sharing, investments in companies,human capital, and more.
Innovation Management
In the last twenty years, innovation has gone from something that is talked about in organizations, to an organized and measurable discipline. At the same time, as in any new profession, the ceremonial aspects, i.e. the things that are done - define the innovation instead of being supporting tools for it. The theater of innovation (link to the post on the subject) prevails over the Sisyphean methodological and daily work.
My mission is to create recognition for the innovation profession, create acceptable and orderly work processes for it and provide KPI's and ROI's and create relevant and real innovation tools for organizations that will ultimately affect the organization's bottom line.
Apparently there is a built-in dissonance between the two - on the one hand, innovation is seen as a cool, rebellious, creative profession that does not conform to conventions. On the other hand, if innovation wants to become a sustainable discipline in organizations, it must adopt a "profit center" way of thinking instead of only a cost center. The way to achieve "innovation profit thinking" in organizations is through orderly and precise processes that the organization is familiar with
Introducing innovation of any kind into organizations creates wave shocks because it requires change,
A few examples to constraints are: good Innovation teams "move the cheese" constantly, organizational culture rewards conformist behaviors, a Not Invented Here resentment to open innovation, or low ranked employees offer managers a new way, thus apparently disobeying the work processes to which managers are obliged.
Therefore, using the tools and processes organizations are familiar with and their adaptation to the worlds of innovation help the organization's employees, managers and senior management to embrace the change more easily by using familiar terminology and measuring goals.
Main examples of the steps required in every creation of an innovation discipline in companies and organizations are:
strategy - Building an innovation strategy for the organization based on the challenges the organization faces and in accordance to its general strategy. This strategy will be reviewed periodically and changed accordingly.
Objectives – In many organizations, innovation is not required to set annual goals. Just like any other discipline, innovation is based on setting qualitative and quantitative goals to examine the establishment of the innovation system and the achievement of its goals.
Methodologies – Building work processes to promote and achieve the goals. The work processes are based on the processes and procedures known in the organization and are used in a smart way, using formal and informal processes.
In addition, the company should consider the various innovation tools and decide which tools will
produce maximum effectiveness in achieving the goals.
Creating partnerships and ecosystems - A significant part of the task of an innovation manager is to create a flow - that is, enough solutions and technologies from which to choose the solutions that the company wants to test. Therefore, strategic partnerships with carefully selected organizations are required, starting with foundations, organizations in the world, organizations in parallel and complementary industries, and more. In some cases, you will break new ground and you will have to establish your own ecosystem - you will need a plan to create maximum awareness in the local and international market so that good companies will contact you and want to work with you. And what about investments? You will have to build an investment strategy that is appropriate and in harmony with the innovation strategy and the company's strategy and in accordance with the company's short-term and long-term goals.
Innovation management tools & KPI's - Building physical and digital platforms and tools to manage the innovation array you will establish. Innovation can be conducted in organizations only through the measurement of goals that on the one hand should be clear and on the other hand allow for large margins of error. Innovation management is necessary to make the discipline of innovation a discipline like the other disciplines: marketing, finance, operations or Human Resources; This, while understanding that a certain "grace" of several years is required to allow it to establish itself and gain momentum.
Are you interested in getting started, getting an expert opinion on the processes that are already underway, or refining existing processes?

The energy revolution
the agricultural revolution,
the industrial Revolution,
The knowledge revolution
And the next revolution - the energy revolution
In the last 150 years, since the first electricity grid was introduced on Penn Street in New York, the way in which electricity is produced and the way in which it travels from the place of production to the end user - through the electricity grid - has not changed.
The raw materials used to create the steam that drives the turbine have changed from fossil fuels to renewable energies, the electricity can be transferred over thousands of kilometers and between continents, but the concept in which central power plants provide energy to consumers has not changed.
Tectonic changes are taking place in the energy market that require a paradigmatic mind-set change. They challenge our perception of the energy market in general and the electricity market in particular. The two most disruptive changes are:
The climate crisis - the heat wave of summer of 2022 and 2023 in which temperatures of over 40 and 50 degrees were measured in Northern Europe and the USA proved even to the cynics that global warming is an established fact and that if humanity does not come to its senses soon, the world we will leave to future generations will be mostly unfit for human life. Energy is a major factor in global change, responsible for over 50% of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and electricity generation for more than half of these emissions.
Before discussing the meaning of the first figure, it is worth examining the second significant change which is the democratization of the energy market. Democratization - in principle, every man and woman can generate electricity by themselves today, operate a variety of devices including means of transportation, sell the electricity to neighbors as needed and manage an independent or almost completely independent electricity economy. The connection between technologies that are now maturing: renewable energies, storage and electric cars produces - for the first time, the center of control moves from electric companies to the end customers and from the center to the periphery. The meaning is enormous and almost incomprehensible.
Just think about the cellular revolution in the world and how much it changed other industries, starting with the communication industry, through finance, entertainment and more. Now, take the change a hundred steps forward - this will be the energy revolution - it will change entire markets, it will shape industries and it will touch every citizen and obligate us to a significant change.
Want to hear how to prepare for the revolution, what does it entail for you?

Are you Ready for Innovation?

In order to achieve the goals of the organization, innovation needs to get the required resources on the one hand and build the methods of operation on the other hand, while working Sisyphean to achieve them.
Why is it important? Because more and more studies show that non-innovative companies die!
So how do you do it? How do you map innovation in the organization?
There are basically two ways - the normal normal course of business way and the fast-forward way
In the NCOB way, you will have to spend valuable time with a consulting company in order to map the state of innovation in the organization.
Using, our way you will receive a questionnaire that will take you basically 10 minutes to fill out. The following questionnaire, based on our proprietary model Ready, Steady, GOInnovation! will give you an initial picture of the world within 10 minutes and will even reveal to you a number of professional secrets that can move things along.
Why should you fill out the questionnaire?
1. Because you will finally have a report that you can present to senior management, in Hebrew
2. Because you will get a clear understanding of the world regarding the maturity of the organization for innovation
3. Because you can schedule an explanation call about the results without any obligation on your part
4. Because you will be able to prepare a clear plan that will connect the what and how
5. Because you will receive tips that are worth money and that can be implemented immediately to promote innovation in the organization
6. Because as soon as enough companies fill out the report, we can send you an update with a benchmark, so that you know where you stand in the industry